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The novelty of the title

It proposes a story with fantastic and epic elements where the bloody past of the legendary Excalibur sword is told, discover what happened and what they hid from us all this time. It is an original story that introduces new characters in the distant past, starting at the dawn of creation, with a deep and totally new lore, with an epic and brutal sword plot that keeps the player's expectation with charismatic characters and gameplay addictive.

In other words,

We trust you as a player!so that you can travel through this world as you decide and in the way that you are capable of creating, thanks to its mechanics with the sword, because yes, Excalibur is the main protagonist of this title.

We trust you

When we talk about souls like It is already clear that it will be a video game challengingthat seeks player satisfaction in its gameplay, its challenges and great and memorable bosses, but it also tries to find accessibility for all types of players as the award-winning Elden Ring has recently done, and yes, its difficulty is similar trying to find its easy mode in learning mechanics and solving challenges that will make your journey rewarding and exciting.  

The difficulty


customize your sword

You can customize each piece of the sword between:

pommel-cape-guard-blade and its six types of runes

In order to create a build that helps you face the fights a   your style of play If you can't defeat an enemy, rethink your strategy with anew build, changing each piece of the sword and using the special attacks of the runes and the blade to finish off the most difficult enemies but vulnerable to

a type of damage or item.

you will have to discover their weaknesses in order to defeat them. But the fact that they are vulnerable to an element does not mean that they are easy, but rather that you will be able to resolve the combat in a better way.

Required Position:
Required Position: Technical Artist: VFX artist, knowledge: unreal engine 5 and blueprint.

Thank you for your message!

Cesar Montenegro

Rayner Bestard

Artista 3d.
Dmitry Burnosov

Artista Conseptual.

Henry Rodrigues

Diseñador de Niveles.

Cesar Montenegro

Rayner Bestard

Edición de sonido.
Ariel Carrasco
Cesar Montenegro

Rayner Bestard

A demás del equipo de trabajo solemos comprar y encargar personajes a otros artistas, además deapoyarnos de la tienda de Unreal Engine.

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